
Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Maiden Voyage: Success.


You truly couldn't have asked for a more appropriate location for a maiden voyage than the Jepson Center.  The booth stood there like she was built for that space.  And in a way she was...

Like any good ribbon cutting ceremony, the alcohol was flowing and spirits were high.  In nautical traditions, the ribbons would be cut, the laurel and hardy handshakes exchanged, then a bottle of perfectly good wine was swung into the ship being presented.  I couldn't bear the idea of launching a full bottle of champagne into the bow of this ship.  Just the image of celebratory broken glass and bubbly exploding all over the booth makes me cringe, but I must admit the thought did cross my mind.  Because these photobooths are, in a way, very similar to ships that traverse the high seas.  Well, kind of.  They probably don't float very well, but the idea of a unique "personality" is the same.  After months and years of dedicated ship building, the vessel takes on a spirit all its own; its own characteristics, its own quirks and faults give it a personality that sets it apart from other ships.  In a similar way, the dedication given to the custom build of this photobooth has in turn imparted a unique personality upon it.  And every good personality must have a good name, and thus she was christened "Savannah", a nod to her new permanent home.  

The welcome that the booth received at the opening night of the Savannah Stopover Music Festival was fitting of such a beauty.  People climbed in all night to have their pictures taken, often multiple times.  Lots of laughs ensued.  Great success!

If you missed your chance to see the booth at the opening, or if you need another fix, the booth will be set up at The Sparetime lounge for the rest of the weekend.  Unfortunately, it is a space reserved for VIP and Artists of the Stopover but stay posted for more events that will be open to the public.

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